Mini Movies, Sermon Illustrations & Worship Videos
Reach Out (Worship Intro)
Hyper Pixels Media
Remind your church of this powerful truth as you open your next worship service, or intro your next message.
This powerful video tells the story and meaning of Palm Sunday. The Lord of heaven and earth entered Jerusalem on a baby donkey. He didn’t come to us with power and magnificence, but meekness & gentleness. Those who sang “Hosanna” would five days later shout “Crucify him.”
This meaningful prayer was originally ascribed to Saint Patrick. All video footage is from Ireland. This prayer asks for God to protect us, instruct us, and direct us. Christ is our shield, our strength, and our wisdom. Amen
This mini-movie is a reminder for Christians to turn to the word of God and be transformed by the living truth He provides us. We are called to live a life that will glorify the Lord and this mini-movie reminds us that it’s never too late to make The Bible a priority
This upbeat video reminds us of the power of generosity, and how giving is a blessing not only to those who receive, but also to those who give. It is a clear and helpful way to teach your church about giving, tithing, and offering.
This mini-movie tells the story of Good Friday for the Easter season. Reminding us why we can call it good and recall upon the hope we have because of Jesus’ suffering on the cross.
Loved John 3:16
Freebridge Media
Bring scripture to life with this powerful mini-movie.
These People. This Place.
Floodgate Productions
Welcome people into your gathered communities with this worship-starter video, and offer them a vision for what your time together will look like.
A Very Special Easter
Steelehouse Media Group
Crayon drawings animate real-life responses from children as they talk about Easter. Their unfiltered and heartfelt responses bring humor and depth to the subject. Only a child could mix the silly and the sacred to so powerfully!
"Do not be afraid... He is not here, for he has RISEN!"
Strong Women Of The Bible: Mini-Movie
Church Visuals
It is often the men in the Bible who get all the press. However, the work of God has largely been made possible by strong and faithful women also.
Worship The Risen King
Motion Worship
This inspiring Easter mini-movie celebrates the greatest day in history with soaring music and stunning scenes from the morning of Resurrection Sunday.
This video encourages you to recognize the divine gift God has placed within you and to pursue His perfect plan with perseverance.
This captivating video walks through the powerful meaning of the celebration and declaration we see in baptism.
He Makes All Things New
James Grocho
Step into the promise of new beginnings with "He Makes All Things New."