Today we honor the brave men and women who have served our country and defended our freedom. You are the thread woven through the heart of our nation. Thank you, Veterans!
So what are you thankful for? You’d think that would be an easy question to answer. Yet how often does the speed of life blind us? How often are the blessings we experience blurred by the chaos we walk in?
As Christians, our lives should be defined by a deep desire to move into new ways of living through the Spirit of God. We don’t live by looking in the rearview mirror, instead, we live with expectation for the future.Perfect to use as a service opener, sermon bumper or transitional element in your worship services
Father's Day is time to celebrate all of the amazing fathers out there for the wonderful reflections of God that they are. They have guided us, they are patient, they forgive us, and they're present. Most of all, they have loved us unconditionally as only someone filled with God's love could. Share this thank you with the fathers and father-figures of your church this Father’s Day.
In this humorous-but-heartwarming Father’s Day video, even seemingly mundane tasks are action-packed. Dads, you may think what you do is insignificant, but to us, it’s heroic.
This meaningful video honors our dads on Father’s Day. For all the tears, years, wisdom, and memories. Our greatest teachers, our favorite heroes, our biggest fans… our dads.
This heart-stirring Memorial Day video features part of a powerful speech given by President Ronald Reagan in 1985. “It is, in a way, an odd thing to honor those who died in defense of our country, in defense of us, in wars far away.
This heart-stirring Memorial Day video features part of a powerful speech given by President Ronald Reagan in 1985. “It is, in a way, an odd thing to honor those who died in defense of our country, in defense of us, in wars far away.
Este video del Día de los Caídos utiliza versículos de la Biblia e imágenes de guerra para ilustrar la necesidad de sacrificarse por amor a los demás y la necesidad de estar agradecido por aquellos que se han sacrificado por nosotros. Lo más importante es que nos recuerda que Dios es un Dios de restauración y consuelo.
This Memorial Day video uses Bible verses and war imagery to illustrate the need for self-sacrifice out of love for others, and the need to be grateful for those who have sacrificed for us. Most importantly, it reminds us that God is a God of restoration and comfort.
When the call of duty goes out the brave and strong rise to the challenge. With discipline, courage, and undaunted bravery. Today we say thank you. Today we remember your sacrifice!