Humanity was up against a problem we could not overcome; sin. But the fate of the world took a turn when the Saviour from heaven humbled Himself to be born in a manger.
Based on the scripture in John 5:39 - this video can be used in your worship service before the sermon or as a call to worship to prepare peoples hearts to receive the word of God. It reminds us that the word of God ultimately points us to Jesus.
This Labor Day, let’s remember why we work. We work to bring glory to God, to learn perseverance and discipline, to make the world better, to serve our communities, to love our neighbors, and to love our God. Happy Labor Day!
We are wanderers, explorers, travelers. Roaming the Earth, field by field, moment by moment…Seeking, searching, longing. Desperately wanting those we encounter to know what we know, to experience what we have experienced. A life change so beautiful, a grace so sufficient, a mercy so unfathomable, that we can’t possibly keep it to ourselves. This is our mission and is our purpose. To pursue the calling of Jesus to the ends of the Earth. Will you answer that call? The call to walk…the field?
Baptism video perfect to encourage people to get baptized. The old is gone, the new has come, baptism an act of obedience, a statement of faith, a declaration to others, a moment of spiritual breakthrough, it’s time to Take the Plunge.
God has blessed those who love Him in many ways. God gives us air in our lungs. God gives us beautiful sunsets. God gives us meaningful relationships. As Christians, we find our greatest blessing in Jesus Christ. Use this video as a sermon bumper or transitional element.
The powerful benediction from Ephesians 3:20-21 is brought to life with this beautiful and moving video. A great addition to any time of worship or teaching.