The Common Love Of Christ - Romans 16. All Christians are here to be a vessel. We are all different, but we have the same message. As Jim Elliot once said, 'We are nobodies telling everybody about somebody that can save anybody.'
Missions: The Gospel Is A Universal Language - Romans 15:14 - 33. Paul teaches us that the Gospel message is for all men. 'If we and the church lose our sense of missions, we don't reflect heaven.'
Christians Canonizing The Conscience, Part 2 - Romans 14: 10 - Romans 15:12. Why do we judge one another? In this session Tommy will make this statement, 'Be a yield sign, not a stop sign.' Let's take a look.
Christians Canonizing The Conscience, Part 1 - Romans 14:1 - 9. One of the most compelling sessions in all of Romans. 'I don't play cards.' 'I don't drink.' ' I don't listen to secular music.' Christians would like to canonize their conscience.
How Are We To Respond To Government? - Romans 13. Government. Is it a biblical concept or a worldly one? What should be the role of government in our life and world?
Christianity: What It Looks Like - Romans 12. A Christian has been freed only by the grace of God and how should we respond? How do we serve Him? How do we know the will of God, perhaps the most asked question of all believers.
Is God Finished With Israel?, Part 2 - Romans 11:16 - 36. God has made a promise to Abraham and the nation of Israel has a covenant that is not yet finished. God is true to His Word. What is God doing now?
Is God Finished With Israel?, Part 1 - Romans 11:1 - 15. Is Israel's rejection total? Why has God not rejected His people? What is the 'remnant'? When is the fulfillment of what Israel should be?
Israel's Darkness - Romans 10. Why is Israel darkened? The purpose of the Law is to bring man to Jesus. The fulfillment of the Law is Jesus Christ. Why did Israel reject Him? Is their rejection salvation for the Gentile? Do any of us heed the Good News?
Israel's Rejection of God - Romans 9. Israel is rejecting God. Just because one is a descendant of Israel does not make them a covenant child of God. Why does God endure them? Who is being saved? These difficult questions and more are answered.
The Power Of The Holy Spirit: Victory In Jesus - Romans 8:5 - 39. In session twelve we learn that with salvation comes the Holy Spirit. We are now children of God, adopted as sons.
We Must Obey: The Jewish Illustration, The Testimony Of Paul - Romans 7:1 - 8:4. As Christians we are no longer slaves to sin. We are a new creation. However, we will still struggle with sin until the day we are in heaven.
We Must Obey: The Gentile Illustration - Romans 6:13 - 23. Is it better to have the rule outside of you or inside of you? In session ten we learn what it means to be obedient from the heart.
Antinomianism: Sanctification - Romans 6:1 - 12. In session nine Paul teaches that we are saved from the penalty of sin, we are being saved from the power of sin, and we will be saved from the presence of sin.
Grace - Romans 5:15 - 21. In session eight Paul tells us how broad and how deep God's love is for us. Paul shows that sin no longer reigns in us, but grace. And because of His grace, we will reign with Him forevermore.