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Reconsidering The Bible And Homosexuality
Recycle Your Faith
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Reviews 14
Let's not get angry here. This is intended to illicit discussion amongst a small group along as a part of series that must be purchased as a whole. Let's not take this video out of the context of the series and get angry. Att the same time, her exegesis is very poor, particularly in regards to the word "pais." This word is used to describe Jesus as a child, David as God's servant and the young girl Jesus raised from the dead: this is very much eisegesis.
Summit Church
Summit Foursquare
Ridiculous, very poor exegesis of the passages used. Next we'll use the same passages to condone bestiality, "plural marriage", and pedophilia. So sad.
Wyatt Klein
Generations Church
This is wrong and to condone this women views on your website is wrong!
Patricia Cleveland
Cumberland Rd. Christian Church
I was also shocked that this is offered. Have we become so desperate to be accepted, that we forget the true meaning of God's word? I have a hundred year old bible and went to the scriptures, and I think she is way off. I do agree that they are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and yes I love them. I do not like to see the bending of God's work.
pamela tundevold
union City First Congregational
Phil Baugh
Crossroads Community Church