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Description: CLINT CLINE is the brains behind a number of ad campaigns for pro-family advocacy groups.

KATHY BALDOCK is a conservative evangelical who had a change of heart and theology after befriending a gay woman.

ADAM HOOD became straight after an encounter with God in San Francisco’s Castro District.

RICH McCULLEN, a pastor in San Diego, used billboards to apologize to gay Californians after Proposition 8 passed.

Four Perspectives on Homosexuality is a collection of ten videos from Recycle Your Faith that will get your small group talking about the controversial topic of homosexuality. The videos present four people with four different perspectives: two who are against homosexuality and two who are advocates for the gay community.

Recycle Your Faith breaks new ground with this divisive topic—no side is taken and no simple solutions are given in order to create a safe place for honest conversation. Small group members are encouraged to respectfully listen to each person’s perspective and try to see things from another point of view. The included facilitator’s guide and discussion starter questions will help you keep the conversation respectful and constructive.

This volume includes the videos “Homosexuality: It’s not a Simple Topic,” “Help Confused as Hate,” “Rewind: Clint Cline,” “Reconsidering the Bible and Homosexuality,” “Rewind: Kathy Baldock,” “Homosexuality is a Sin,” “Rewind: Adam Hood,” “On the Wrong Side of History,” “Rewind: Rich McCullen,” and “Running From Religion.”

The people interviewed are: Clint Cline, Kathy Baldock, Adam Hood, Rich McCullen, and Beratta Gomillion.

Recycle Your Faith Discussion Starters are just that—discussion starters. They will help move your conversations beyond small talk to bring real-life issues to the surface. Rather than presenting your small group with another sermon, give them the opportunity to open up and share their stories and experiences with Recycle Your Faith Discussion Starters.

Total Running Time: approximately 44 min. 24 sec. (Each individual video is approximately 3-8 minutes long).

Recycle Your Faith Vol 3: Four Perspectives On Homosexuality

Recycle Your Faith


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