Grove Films

Grove Films is the media ministry of The Grove Center for the Arts & Media based in San Clemente, California. Our vision is to see Christ in culture through the arts & media. Why? Because artists influence everything. Our mission is to cultivate the spiritual life and creative work of artists. We do this through Grove Gatherings, Grove Getaways, and Grove Generosity. Our monthly Grove Gatherings offer artists community with other artists. Our Grove Getaway artist retreats provide artists the chance to get away for a deep soak in their relationship with God and one another. Through Grove Generosity, we practice sowing into artist's lives through small grants and scholarships. Grove Films offers downloadable media resources for creative ministry within the body of Christ. Our Grove Online Classes offer personal, practical and helpful tools to help artists cultivate their spiritual life and creative work. For more information about The Grove Center for the Arts & Media, visit our website at