Views: 6231

Authors: Ben Fielding, Benjamin Hastings, Seth Simmons

Description: Peace Has Come by Hillsong Worship their Christmas single. This download include a full version only.

Song Lyrics:

Behold the star of Bethlehem
The Word of God has become flesh
Unto us a child is born
The Savior of this broken world

Oh, hear the Angel voices
Sing come let us adore Him
Peace has come
for our King is with us

Fully God and fully man
He comes for all with open hands
He rules with love on David's throne
All praise belongs to Christ alone

Oh, hear the Angel voices
Sing come let us adore Him
Peace has come
for our King is with us

Holy, Holy, Holy
Jesus, we adore Thee
Peace has come
for our King is with us

O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him
O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord

Oh, hear the Angel voices
Sing come let us adore Him
Peace has come
for our King is with us
Peace has come
for our King is with us

Peace Has Come



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