Views: 13619

Authors: Paul Baloche, Graham Kendrick

Description: This unique resource allows the user the ability to compile their own personalized and seamless set straight from their computer for He Is Risen. Includes 3 files per song (STEREO, SPLIT, & CLICK - lyrics remain on screen).

(Verse 1)
Early morning break of dawn
Stumbling to the tomb standing awestruck
Wond'ring who rolled away the stone
And as the sun came up amazed they looked inside
And saw an angel clothed in light
Don't be afraid He is alive

(Chorus 1)
He is risen hallelujah hallelujah
Christ is risen let the whole world sing
Christ is risen (Christ is risen)
Christ is risen from the dead

(Verse 2)
Sing with all creation sing of a world made new
Endless life we too may live bursting from the tomb
And looking up we see our King enthroned on high
His wounds of love now glorified
Rejoice for soon He'll burst the skies

(Misc 1)
Christ is risen He is risen (Verse 1)
Early morning break of dawn
Stumbling to the tomb standing awestruck
Wond'ring who rolled away the stone
And as the sun came up amazed they looked inside
And saw an angel clothed in light
Don't be afraid He is alive

(Chorus 1)
He is risen hallelujah hallelujah
Christ is risen let the whole world sing
Christ is risen (Christ is risen)
Christ is risen from the dead

(Verse 2)
Sing with all creation sing of a world made new
Endless life we too may live bursting from the tomb
And looking up we see our King enthroned on high
His wounds of love now glorified
Rejoice for soon He'll burst the skies

(Misc 1)
Christ is risen He is risen

He Is Risen



  • 480p MPEG-1
  • 480p QuickTime
  • 720p MPEG-1
  • 720p QuickTime
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