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Description: Download New Doxology: iWorship Flexx to start your worship service with! Featuring the original master recording by Gateway Worship from the album Wake Up The World

iWorship FLEXX Visual Worship Trax combine today's most powerful worship songs with inspiring graphics and lyrics to provide an excellent worship resource for growing churches and home groups.

Includes multiple FLEXX clips (lyric based mini-movies) for use with your live worship team plus 3 stand-alone song movies in original stereo audio, split-trax and click-trax versions. Perfect for use with your worship team or for solo performance.

Chorus 1
Praise God praise God
Praise God Who saved my soul
Praise God praise God
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow

Verse 1
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

Verse 2
Let earth and heavenly saints proclaim
The pow'r and might of His great Name
Let us exalt on bended knee
Praise God the holy Trinity

Verse 3
Praise to the King His throne transcends
His crown and Kingdom never end
Now and throughout eternity
I'll praise the One Who died for me

New Doxology: Iworship Flexx



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