Views: 1708
Description: MediaShout V3 Standard is the leader in ministry presentation software. MediaShout empowers ministry leaders to access the media, Bibles and song lyrics that are at the core of modern worship.
This new version of MediaShout includes support for Microsoft's new operating system, Windows Vista, new code for all major components of MediaShout 3, MPEG4 playback support (if appropriate codecs are installed) and a new BookBacks selection control for Bible backgrounds. The new version will detect whether you have Windows Vista or XP as your operating system and then provide prompts for the correct installation for either system.
Several media producers have created some stunning new BookBack collections for MediaShout that provide different backgrounds for every book of the Bible. When Bookbacks are selected as the Bible Template in MediaShout, the appropriate background is automatically inserted.
• Total control: dual-monitor design ensures that the audience sees only what you want them to see
• Song lyrics: display the words to any song in any order
• Bible passages: select and show any passage instantly, in any of 52 versions
• Text: create and present announcements and message points...or use a virtual background for instant, live text
• Video: no tapes, play video files, DVD clips and external video feeds on their own or as backgrounds to other cues
• Graphics: display photos, illustrations, drawings, maps, and more
• Animations: play Flash files on their own or as motion backgrounds to lyrics, Bible verses and other text screens
• PowerPoint: play PPT files straight from MediaShout without switching programs
• Web pages: display web pages full-screen to the audience
• Sound: play music, sound effects, MP3, MIDI, and more
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