Views: 2885
Description: We are followers of Christ. We are called to be different. We are the light in a dark world, but do not forget…the darkness hates the light. We must take our stand in this world and put on the full armor of God. If believers are to shine, we must be unified. Battles are not won with soldiers fighting in different directions. They are won when those fighting are all in— all together. We face an enemy who wants to label, divide, and destroy. But, he will not win. We are one in Christ. In Him, all physical and worldly labels disappear. His love for us has nothing to do with merit or birthplace, ethnicity or upbringing. Instead, it has everything to do with God choosing to make us alive in Christ—to redeem us through the blood of His Son. This is our fight. This is our calling. And we will walk worthy.
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War Not Of This World
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