Views: 4152
Description: Ya sea que lo llames un grupo pequeño, un grupo comunitario, un grupo de vida o simplemente un grupo, lo importante es conectarte con Dios y su pueblo. Incluye versiones de archivos con nombres alternativos para el grupo de conexión y el grupo familiar.
English Translation: Whether you call it a small group, a community group, a life group, or just a group, the important thing is getting connected to God and His people. Includes alternately named file versions for cell group and family group. Also available in English: Small Group 2
English Translation: Whether you call it a small group, a community group, a life group, or just a group, the important thing is getting connected to God and His people. Includes alternately named file versions for cell group and family group. Also available in English: Small Group 2
Grupo Pequeno 2
Dan Stevers
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