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Reviews 4
What a moving video! Especially for these troubled times we're in! I used this last week at the end of our worship service where we looked at racial discrimination. People were very moved by it. My hope was that it would drive home the point that we are all different, but all the same. All God's creation, all precious in His sight.
Cheryl Stewart
Hope Community Church
I like it BUT I can't use it because the only image of enemy is "brother." Images are multi-gendered, but the words are limiting.
In particular there is a female image as the word brother is sung.
So sorry I can use this and share.
Noah Moore
This is wonderful! I am going to use it as the "Focus Thought"s for a worship service in October when the theme is "Welcome the Outcasts" :)
Marian Talcott
Wow, this is so timely! At our church prayer meeting this past week God asked me if I wanted a "stepford wives" kind of church or was I willing to accept those that didn't look or sound like me? Then I saw this, which I have downloaded to present this week. God is about to do something wonderful. Thank you for this video. Keep them coming.
Linda Cornett-Ching
God's House