Views: 7632
Description: In all things. At all times.
Having all you need,
you will abound in every good work.
Giving of ourselves is an everyday act.
We must be generous in all things
as God has been generous to us.
Our lives should reflect the love of Christ.
We should act justly.
And extend mercy to those around us who are in need.
We should choose to love our neighbour, even as we love ourselves.
There is no limit to what God can do through our generosity, when we turn our gifts and treasures back over to Him.
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth … But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.
This is who we are. We are a generous people. We give every day.
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Reviews 1
Well made, but seems to end abruptly.
Aaron Scarbrough
Graceview Baptist Church