Views: 14661
Description: As statement of faith, the apostle's Creed has been used as a call to worship and service for more than 16 centuries. With a worshipful music backdrop and soft flowing video this statement of faith is the perfect as a call to worship.
We Believe - Apostle's Creed
Rob Perry
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Reviews 4
The people at WHM are great and got the replacement video (with correct spelling) up on the site today. Thanks again Lou Snider!
Robert Perry
Sorry, that was harsher than intended.
Matt McDonald
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Lou Snider - Thank you for pointing this out. That's quite embarrassing. Not sure how it happened but we will make sure that it's corrected as soon as possible. Thanks again.
Robert Perry
Pontius Pilot? Seriously?
Matt McDonald
Tabernacle Baptist Church