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Journey Box Media
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Reviews 7
All kiddos find themselves in messy situations. The looks on the kiddos faces when they see their father, and the father's face changing to laughter as he connects and washes his children down is priceless. Notice, he doesn't get in the mud with them in order to connect to them. How is this grace? As a parent, it is hard not to scold but to look for the teachable moment. Love the imagery of The Father cleaning His kiddos and helping them move from shame to pure joy.
Walter Martinez
Adventist Fellowship
Maxime bakary
How is this a depiction of grace? Makes NO sense. For it to be grace, they had to be doing something wrong, & there's no indication of that. If the mud is a metaphor for sin, for the dad to just spray them off is simply works-righteousness (they got dirty & had to get cleaned up before they could be accepted). Grace is when we get what we don't being allowed to do something when they should have been grounded, or for the dad to play too rather than condemn. Very confusing message!
David Swisher
Lasting Impressions
This video is practical and relatable and very well produced. It's also subtle and uplifting, which I love. Please keep up the awesome work. Your videos are a tremendous blessing.
Scott Harris
Statesboro First United Methodist Church
Can I ask who wrote/played the music?
Jared Koopman