Views: 10313
Description: This Collection includes the mini movies “Joyful Giving”, “A biblical look at tithing” and “A Giving Paradox”. Each movie explains a different aspect of Biblical giving: from why we should tithe, to our motivation behind giving, to the promises that are ours when we do give. Great visuals and a powerful message on giving make each one of these great for sermons on giving, or for playing during or before tithes and offerings as well as during missions giving times.
Giving Collection
Adoption Media
Giving Collection Includes:
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Reviews 2
Thanks Jose, that is our prayer, that these videos would help people see the real teaching behind giving, that God is after our hearts, not our money!
Joshua Timmer
Adoption Media
These videos are very powerful and provide, great, clear teaching on biblical giving. We've used them repeatedly at our church and they never get old.
Jose Gomez
New Pilgrim Baptist Church