Views: 17924
Hope And Light September 11
Grace in Media
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Reviews 3
SHARE YOAs has been commented on a couple other videos, I am disappointed at the intentional blending of God-worship and nation-worship. This video pretty much puts the two on equal ground. I especially disliked the ending, using the quote from Bush about America being a "the brightest beacon of freedom and hope" followed up right after that by Jesus' words to his followers about being "the light of the world"! Really? I don't see how you can make that direct connection.
Wayne Altstaetter
First Baptist Church
I think this video is very well done... what Rudolph Giuliani said was true... I don't think it should be made into a political issue. This video does not dishonor anyone.
Diane Sigler
It is a dishonor to all the NYC firefighters who were killed 9-11 to have any quotations from Rudolph Giuliani. If you recall the last presidential election there is a reason why we followed him around city to city protesting against him.
Richard Draves