Views: 20282
Birthday Jesus
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Reviews 4
I think this video is very realistic of Christmas gift giving...and many ppl just really do not understand but this definitely makes the point of 'Relationship' over the world of gifts. Don't leave Christ out of your Christmas! Great job!
Sheryl Houska
Christ Center Tabernacle
Good message. I get from this that Jesus wants to have a relationship with us and that is more important to Him than our gifts. This was shown at my church on Christmas Day and I am sharing it with others.
Shirley Crawford
Oak Cliff Bible Fellowhsip - Dallas, TX
Shirley Crawford
Really good easy for us to get caught up in misdirected ideas of what Jesus wants. And it seems like they are trying to please Him with their gifts....but I really have a problem that she actually smacks Him with a Bible? Seriously? Jesus?! I don't I said, I liked the premise of the video, but wouldn't buy it. They could just have easily had hurt feelings at his not wanting their gifts without the extreme response. Sorry.
Cheryl Stewart
Hope Community Church
All He really me!
Good one!
Margaret Williams