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Overboard With Jonah
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Reviews 4
I would agree with the previous reviews, it was well done and cute, but not sticking to the word.
Shane Pass
ClearView Baptist Church
Very cool vid...but unfortunately misses the entire point again. Why don't preaches & movie makers actually read the last chapter...chapter 4 gives us the point of the story. It clearly shows that Jonah hated Nineveh and longed for their destruction in contrast to God's mercy, even to the wicked Gentiles (i.e. US). The vid makes out that Jonah was happy they repented. Not so, he was more upset about a withered vine perishing than thousands of people. Jonah is an example not to follow!
Stephen Brown
Anglican Parish of Kingston
Oh, yeah, Great visuals and story telling technique except it's not what is in the bible! Nineveh responded with sack cloth and ashes and repenting, not a great party. And chapter 4 is completely missing...great shame.
beth barnett
Very entertaining! ...with lots of freedom taken with the narrative, even misleading at times. Careful with this one.
Tim Stafford