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Prayer Intro
Dan Stevers
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Reviews 13
Dan, you have a great gift from God and I purchase many of your vids. I have to agree with Cheryl as I felt the same way as have others before I even saw the comments. The issue is because you set up the end with a vibrant 'filled-in color' expectation throughout, then left 'prayer' with an empty string drawing that was vacant so the drive to the end was odd. BUT A+ video, you killed it as always!
jim jackson
I watched a lot of videos trying to find the right one for our church service this morning and could not find anything that grabbed me. And then I saw this one. Everything about it moved me, for the illustrations to the music to the Scripture verses used. I particularly like the tear that runs down the cheek. Powerful and moving. There was no doubt that I had found the right video. I bought it, and we used it this morning. I just think it's the perfect blend of everything that is in it.
Mark Drinnenberg
Living Word Fellowship
A British English version has been added to the download with "colour" instead of "color".
Dan Stevers
This is stunning, both visually and in it's very helpful and inspiring content. And the music is perfectly complementary.
At the risk of sounding churlish, I am based in the UK, and American English spellings can sometimes grate - especially right at the end of a video that would otherwise work brilliantly.
Please, please, please can we have a standard English version?
Greg Epton
Wirral Christian Centre
I also thought this was just beautiful. Thank you for using your gifts to serve the church. I look forward to using this in our upcoming series on prayer.
Angie Saccaro
Ethnos Church