Views: 22252
Easter Countdown Clock
Igniter Media
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Reviews 3
This countdown is AWESOME! We come right out of the countdown with "Shout Unto God" by Hillsong and then right into "Let the Praises Ring" by Lincoln Brewster-We also have a tomb and the stone is rolled away and a light shoots out of the empty tomb at the same time as the countdown. POWERFUL!
Chad Demers
Lighthouse Community Church
I wish each countdown would include in the description how long it is. It would save me time. The way it is now I have to wait for it to load to know if it's 5 minutes or 3 minutes or whatever.
Mona Maynard
This was a great way to get everyone focused on what we were celebrating on Easter morning. Followed by a joyous, uptempo praise song, it really set the mood for the entire Easter service.
Jennifer Fischer
Living Word Church