If I'm being honest, I was actually comfortable with some of the things he was saying, thus, when the reveal happens at the end, I became completely uncomfortable with my comfort. It puts me in a place where I'm now very ready to learn... great video Floodgate.
Rob Thomas
Igniter Media

Absolutly yes and amen. I am going to play it and play it again . It is needed to be played at least twice or three times before you get the message. It is so typical of satan , and that is excatly how he opperates. He is so smooth and nice at times that we dont even know he is there. And yet he can make you feel all warm and cosey, There is a message in that video we need to understand. Brilliant actor, very sly. Wonderfull, more please.
Larry McCully
Oasis of Grace

I almost clicked off before it was over, saw the name tag just in the nick of time. I was thinking what a wierd video. I'm still not sure how I would use this.
Terry Trichell
The Church on Garrett Road

Very Clever. I was watching this and slowly getting angrier. As a worship leader I sometimes see these attitudes and to have them condoned by this gentleman (on a church resource website no less) was enfuriating. Nice Ending. Now to think of where I can use it in a service.....
Shaun Leeman
Faith Christian Church

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