Wasn't ready for the ending, WOW!
Ron Maharrey
McKee Baptist Church
Love the creativity, quality and well thought out message, great Floodgate.
Aaron Randerson
Flickering Mind Media
Love it! Perfect for a series on "How to Go to Church"!
Chuck Vickers
Stokesland Baptist Church
Thank you, thank you for your creativity! We're going to use it over and over!
Jason Brown
I agree with Rob Thomas, very comforting message in the beginning, no surprise since even SATAN believes in JESUS, both are real.
Allthough i think its a message more a believer and christ follower can comfortable be warned with,a non believer might be irritaded or discomforted after it.
An spoken response after the video might be the best way to close it up in comfort :)
Steve Gilmore
Every Nation Dublin