Church Media

21 Books Every Worship Leader Should Read

Reading books is one way every worship leader can grow in not only their skills for leading worship but also their personal relationship with the Lord. This, in turn, makes a more skilled worship leader. And gives you a deep well to draw from when leading others into the throne…
November 1, 2022

How to Put Together an Engaging Setlist

Setlist building is one of the most fun things you do as a worship leader, right? Well, maybe not always. Sometimes it can be challenging, too, as you may think, “craft the perfect worship experience.” Especially when you’re in it for the long haul, creating new worship set lists every…
October 26, 2022
In ChurchWorship

Top 12 Songs for Your Communion Worship Service

Communion worship services are full of history. They always provide a special experience to draw close to our Savior as we remember His sacrifice. Church history is also rich with traditions around the sacrament of communion-like liturgies, songs, and familiar scripture readings that are significant to Christians of all ages.…
October 14, 2022