The Ideal Length of Everything [Infographic]

Too short? Too long? How do you know if your headline, blog post, hashtag, or social update is too long... and how can you get maximum engagement? The awesome people over at Buffer have created an infographic to help you out as you create content for your church's social accounts!…
October 30, 2014

Worshiping in the Booth

I love being on the graphics team at my church. I love being able to help people worship with easy to read lyrics that transition right when they need them to. I love choosing beautiful backgrounds that enhance worship and don't distract. I love getting better at my role. One…
October 28, 2014

Smooth Seas Never Made a Skilled Sailor

When things don't go the way you planned, when things aren't "smooth", you adjust, you figure it out. I actually think I'm better at my role now on the graphics team. I know what to do in that situation now, and I can use that next time.
September 19, 2014