Church Media


This post is written by artist, Corey Voss. To download the song and the song chart for FREE visit Christian Song Charts! PRAISE THE KING was written by Michael Farren, Dustin Smith, Michael Bryce Jr., and myself.  This song is a powerful anthem for the Church to sing.  This lyric and melody…
March 25, 2015

5 Ways to Mentor Women

Society is full of all kinds of crazy images and ideas of what a woman should be and what she should think. Stereotypes of how women think and act also are rampant. Because of the world telling us all these lies, it is difficult being a woman in Christ and…
March 17, 2015

The Second Essential Tool for Video Production

In the last post, we discussed how important it is to take a passionate approach to your church media work. Without passion, you’re role as a media producer stands less chance of success than a snowman in the Summer. But passion alone will not an effective producer make. The next…
March 13, 2015
Church Media

7 Free Media Resources for March

After a long and snowy winter, it appears that spring is just around the corner! In celebration of the nice weather, we at the Church Media Blog have rounded up some of our favorite new free media! This month's media includes a kids song-track bundle, an Easter song-track and chart by Paul Baloche, an…
March 9, 2015

Signs of the Time: Say More

Aesthetic communication is all around us.  Just so we’re on the same page, aesthetic communication is communication without the articulation of words.  This style of communication can include, but not be limited by, theatre, crafts, art, painting, sculpture, dance, graphic design, special design and staging. As you can see, there is…
March 4, 2015