
Say it, Show it, Be it: Mission Statements

I never thought mission and vision statements were that important until I came across organizations that didn’t know why they even existed. This is a common shortcoming of the least likely places including the church. The church should be the last place to be without vision or mission, but sadly,…
May 22, 2015
Church Media

The Playlist: 5 Must Have Songs for May

As sunshine begins to put this past cold winter behind us for good, many of us are praising the Lord! I know I am thanking God that there is no more ice on the streets or freezing cold winds; but I, admittedly, am a warm-weather person. Summertime is almost upon…
May 11, 2015

Mobilizing Effective Women’s Ministry

Women's ministry is often one of the toughest ministry groups to start and keep thriving in the church. Women in the church span across generations, with different backgrounds, lifestyles, schedules, and church experiences. This can make having an effective women's ministry a challenge. Women's ministry should be a place that…
May 1, 2015