
Cultivating Stillness

It’s taken me way too long to get this article written. Want to know why? ...Because I am way too busy! Sometimes a simple task can get lost in the mess, and our inner-peace with it! The crazier my life gets, the more I know I need to chill. Relax.…
February 24, 2016

The Grace of Adele’s Grammy Performance

If you’ve served in any technical ministry at a church very long at all, you’ve experienced it. A projector bulb goes out in the middle of service. A wireless mic or headset that worked perfectly before service begins emitting static that overwhelms the pastor’s voice. You accidentally display the words…
February 18, 2016

Are You Posting the Right Content on Facebook?

Today, social media is all around us. Chances are your church has a Facebook page. Even with this social presence, are you getting the most out of your account? Below is a comparison of Facebook posts and the pros and cons to each. VIDEO/IMAGE Post: Pros: - Eye Catching: Media…
February 8, 2016

6 Things to Do Before You Preach

Contents Pray, Pray, Pray Read Before You Write Your Sermon Application For Transformation Preach to Yourself First Practice, Practice, Practice Set Up the Drive Home These 6 strategies will lead you to better preaching. Proclaiming the good news of the Gospel each week is one of the most important things…
February 2, 2016

Leading with Authenticity, Not Perfection

When I was in my early thirties, my husband and I pastored a church. We had been serving in supporting roles for several years and inherited the leadership when our senior pastors moved into the next phase of their ministry. Many members of our congregation were twice my age and…
January 27, 2016