
9 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know about EasyWorship

What makes EasyWorship different? By Gabe Harris, Marketing and Business Development for EasyWorship This may surprise you, but we’re actually a lot like everybody else. EasyWorship offers the same basic features as other church presentation software products: text over video, motion backgrounds, video importing … the list goes on. Brand…
May 20, 2016

9 Things You Didn’t Know about ProPresenter

ProPresenter is a powerful media presentation program designed to create impactful worship presentations. Many of you have been using this software for years, while others may be brand new. Either way, it’s always fun to learn some new and useful tricks when using the software. So here is a list…
May 4, 2016
Church Media

Why Being Bold Trumps Being Nervous

As I travel leading family concerts I always have kids ask me if I get nervous singing on stage. All I ever wanted to do as a kid was sing. I started singing solos on stage as an elementary student. I’ve been recording and doing concerts professionally for 19 years…
April 27, 2016

Keeping a Serving Attitude

  Keeping a Serving Attitude Nothing is quite as rewarding as putting in hours upon hours of volunteer time, getting the lighting cues programmed and then reprogrammed, dialing in the house mix, getting monitor mixes right, and then getting them right again all to have it noticed by sometimes no…
April 11, 2016