ProPresenter Tutorials

New and Updated Features in ProPresenter 6

Are you about to upgrade from an older version of ProPresenter? Are you taking advantage of all the new features for your service? This tutorial walks you through some of the many new features in ProPresenter 6. Power and Capability: First, the updated interface and new video engine are discussed.…
December 28, 2016
Church Media

Interview with Jared Hogue: Co-Owner of Creative Sheep

Today's interview is with Jared Hogue, co-owner of Creative Sheep. You're going to enjoy this guy a lot! From the beginning, you can see Jared's passion for God, His church, and His people. He is committed to glorifying God through creativity and leadership, which he discusses in this interview. Some of the…
December 26, 2016
ProPresenter Tutorials

Using the Timeline in ProPresenter

ProPresenter 6 makes it easy to sequence slides in a timeline with or without an audio track. This makes it easy for you to create presentations with custom timings between slides or to record the slides to match a song. The ability to sequence slides with music is especially useful…
December 17, 2016