Church Media

Pushing My Buttons: Check Out These Ideas!

"You're really pushing my buttons!" "He's really pushing my buttons today." "How does she know just how to push my buttons?" Ah, parenthood. Kids have a special knack for knowing the exact things they can do to get under your skin, am I right? If you have kids, young or old, you…
May 6, 2020
Church Media

Valentine’s Day Church Service Ideas

Valentine's Day is almost here! What better time to share the incredible love of God than this holiday, when everyone is already thinking lovely thoughts? So, if you ask almost any church-going person to define Biblical love, odds are that they'll start quoting one of two passages... either John 3:16,…
May 6, 2020
Church Media

Back to School and Celebrating New Seasons!

School bells ring, are you listenin'? Somehow, summer has come and gone, and here we sit at the beginning of a new school year. (Side note: weren't we just singing, "no more pencils, no more books"?) Emotions can run the gamut, from kids excited to meet a new teacher and…
May 6, 2020