I love music. I truly believe music is a fantastic tool that we have in ministry to connect. Having great music kids (and their parents) enjoy, connects with them. Creating space in your services and programs to sing songs together and invite kids to participate in worshipping the Lord also connects kids with their Maker. I am passionate about helping kids fall in love with Jesus and find their hiding place in His presence. Worship is one of the things, just like prayer, that we can do wherever we are to spend time with God and know that He is with us. It’s a fortress for when the storms of life and seas rage all around us. Help kids from an early age understand about this component of their walk with Christ.
Here are a few tips to help you navigate great worship times for your Kidmin:
1. Ask questions that demand a response.
This is one of the easiest things you can do to engage your group. Because you are asking them to respond verbally or with an action. This can range from giving high fives at the end of the song or repeating a phrase to each other. It can be a shout to create excitement or even lyrics from the song you’re about to sing. Don’t just state what you’re going to do. Ask them questions to get them engaged in what you’re doing from the beginning.
2. Lead worship like David.
When we look at worship in the Bible David is one of the main examples we have. As we read Psalms David leads us in worship. He instructs us to clap your hands all ye people, shout to God with a voice a triumph, jump and sing for joy. As a worship it’s ok and I believe according to David’s example it’s a good thing to state the obvious. Kids are used to being told what to do. Plus, we all need reminders from time to time to encourage good behavior and actions. I know that worshipping God is a good thing for all of us to do. Tell the kids to sing, clap their hands, lift their hands, put a smile on your face, sing from your heart, etc. Lead them like David would.
3. Share scriptures about singing and worshipping God.
Use those to encourage your kids and inspire them to worship. Psalm 119:11 instructs us of the importance of hiding God’s word in our heart. Use scripture to plant seeds in them and to help them understand the what, why and how of praising God.
4. Be an example of worship yourself.
Demonstrate through your actions, words and countenance what it looks like. Be a releaser of worship. Also, when you attend a church service you need to be a worshipper. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Take part in worship. Don’t only expect others to worship when you’re the leader. You need to worship when others are leading you. (Sowing and reaping!)
Learn more about Yancy and her KidMin media at WorshipHouse Kids.