I’ll never forget the response I got from a Mother after I had started singing the chorus of “How Great Is Our God” in our preschool ministry. This mom was floored when she heard her two year old singing this song that she knew from “big church.” I realized right then and there what a great connection point this was for families to worship together. Sure there are many songs we will sing with our kids that will be exclusive to our children’s ministry. But, there are also those big hit worship songs over the years like “Everlasting God,” “10,000 Reasons,” “Oceans” and “We Believe” just to name a few that cross age demographics and are simply great, accessible worship songs for any age. What I love most about incorporating these types of songs is the ground that you are setting for parents and children to have something from church that they not only have in common but can build upon for the Monday-Saturday of life till they walk through your doors again. The same can be said of introducing hymns into your ministry. Think about it…by doing so you introduce kids to these songs that are musical cornerstones of our faith. Making them aware of history and the champions of faith that walked before us. Additionally you give them a song that even gives grandma and grandpa a connection point into your ministry.
Hymns are a collection of songs that have stood the test of time. Many of these songs are still being sung in our churches today. You can lead kids in these songs too. A hymn according to the dictionary is: a song in praise or honor of God. I encourage you to teach the kids in your ministry what a hymn is. Tell them about these hymns of our faith as you lead them in these songs. So many of the hymns have a great story attached to how the song was written. Look those up online and when its applicable share that with the kids. It can be a great way to better understand and relate to the lyrics you’re singing. Colossians 3:16 says “Let the word of Christ, richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Most of grow up with our parents passing on some musical favorites of decades gone by. Whether we’re talking Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra or the Rolling Stones, there is music that is been passed on from one family generation to another. Do the same with our Christian music golden favorites. Share songs that have impacted you and your faith. Pass on the testimony of how the lyric touched your life in a particular season. Share your story.
I’ve heard many stories of conversations that have happened between a parent and child because the child asked a question to learn more about something they heard in a song. That’s an opportunity to disciple your kids in action. I have a five year old son and there are conversations we have because he asks about something he hears in a song. What an opportunity to instill faith into the generation that we are raising up and ministering to.
Psalm 22:27-28, 30-31
From the four corners of the earth people are coming to their senses, are running back to God. Long-lost families are falling on their faces before Him…Our children and their children will get in on this As the word is passed along from parent to child. Babies not yet conceived will hear the good news— that God does what He says. (MSG)
Have fun helping families connect and live out their faith through the hymns and worship songs they sing.
Written by Yancy
©2016 Yancy Ministries, Inc.
Learn more about Yancy and her KidMin media at WorshipHouse Kids.