Are you about to upgrade from an older version of ProPresenter? Are you taking advantage of all the new features for your service? This tutorial walks you through some of the many new features in ProPresenter 6.
Power and Capability:
First, the updated interface and new video engine are discussed. ProPresenter now automatically saves your presentation as you edit, so you have no fear of losing content. There are also great updates to stage display.
Headers now available for service organization – even for accounts not connected to Planning Center Online. You can now also set up unlimited numbers of clocks and timers for each service. This feature really comes in handy when used with the improved features for announcement slides. Instead of just added a transition between slides, you can add animation to the slides themselves in the edit panel. Are you having difficulty finding backgrounds in your video and image bin? Try organizing them with tags like “blue” or “nature” to make it easier to plan your service.
Online features:
You can now search for an Instagram hashtag and approve posts to be put on the screen. Your nursery workers can now send alerts straight from the children’s area to the person running presentation.
Instructions from ProPresenter manual