Why ProPresenter is the Best Tool for Your Team 

By October 5, 2023June 5th, 2024Church Media
best tool for your team

ProPresenter is a great tool that serves many churches across the world. It helps display lyrics for worship, sermon slides, and multimedia presentations, which helps your overall worship experience and services. Even though ProPresenter is mainly used for the Sunday service for adults, ProPresenter is a great tool that can serve your team and many other areas of ministry in your church. 

With this in mind, here is how to make ProPresenter the best tool for your team:

The Best Tool For Sunday Services 

Sunday services are the best and most obvious place to use ProPresenter to elevate your worship experience. The lyrics display feature is great for worship. ProPresenter can do more than use still backgrounds or moving backgrounds to enhance your worship services. If your church uses video and wants to show live video shots of both the worship team and speaker, you can use ProPresenter to display the live video while adding lyrics at the bottom. You can also use the multiviewer outputs to have graphics or moving backgrounds in the middle screen and display the live worship video on the side screens. 

In other words, you can have graphics on some screens while simultaneously displaying live video on additional screens and have lyrics displaying on all screens. You can even customize where the lyrics are being displayed on all the different screens. The endless customization capabilities will serve your production, worship, and creative teams very well.

The Best Tool For Kids’ Ministry 

ProPresenter can also serve your kids, youth, and young adult ministries outside of Sunday services. For kids’ ministry, you can create service flows that include graphics, slides, and videos for your kids’ services. You can have multiple service packages prepped and ready for each classroom. You can also use the multiviewer outputs to display important announcements and information on TVs outside your kids’ ministry area to keep parents informed while simultaneously putting on your kids’ services. 

Additionally, the Sunday message can play on one of your displays in each kids’ room so that your volunteers know where the service and sermon are and when they can expect the service to end. If your church has a nursing mom’s room or baby care room, you can also use Porpresenter to stream the service to that room so that nursing moms or parents with babies can still enjoy the service and not miss anything. 

The Best Tool For Multicampus Churches

If your church has multiple campuses, ProPresenter can serve the production teams at each campus very well. If your multicampus strategy includes streaming the sermon from the main campus, ProPresenter is a great tool to facilitate this. You can stream the video message to each campus and use ProPresenter to display all the Bible verses and slides for the message in the lower thirds of the screen so that everyone can hear the message and follow along with the slides. 

Depending on your church’s multicampus strategy, you can use ProPresenter to do the same thing if you are also streaming parts of live worship. ProPresenter integrates very well with video streaming technology and allows your campuses to live stream any parts of the service you wish while displaying any lyrics or sermon slides when needed. 

The Best Confidence Monitor

ProPresenter can also be used as a confidence monitor. This means that you can display the lyrics for a song or the next slide for the message before it goes up on the screen for everyone to see. Confidence monitors are typically placed on the back wall of an auditorium or on the floor near the front for the worship team and speakers to see. This allows the singers, worship leaders, and preachers to know where they are in the song or message and anticipate what’s next without missing any words or points. 

The Best Countdown Clock 

ProPresenter also has a countdown clock feature. You can set a clock that displays how much time the preacher has to speak or how much time the person doing announcements has to talk. For churches with multiple campuses or live online services, having a tight schedule to keep everything in sync is very important. The countdown clock feature will keep your services running on time and prevent speakers from talking too long. 

The Best Tool For Online Community 

ProPresenter is an excellent tool if your church has an online community or services streaming live. You can create a custom display and experience specifically for your online community. This includes certain video shots of worship and the message while placing lyrics and slides in the live video. Using ProPresenter for your online community will improve your video streaming experience and help those unable to attend in person still feel like they are part of your church community. 

The Best Tool For Lobby Slides, Graphics & Announcements 

Another great way to use ProPresenter to serve your teams and church best is to display slides, graphics, and announcements in your church lobby area. You can create a timed display where specific slides will display at certain points, including a countdown clock letting your congregants know that service will be starting soon. This encourages people to head towards the auditorium to grab a seat. You can also show videos or graphics with different information and announcements. 

Another feature is that you can show the service, both worship and the message, on the TVs in the lobby. This allows anyone in the lobby area to be able to catch parts of worship and the message. It also signals to your team and congregants to keep their conversation volume low so that people can get the most out of worship and the message. Using ProPresenter to enhance your lobby presentation can help your church fully experience the service no matter where they are in the building. 

The Best Tool For Classes 

Many churches offer a variety of classes, from Next Steps Classes, New Believers Classes, or a specific Small Group curriculum. ProPresenter can be used to create an order for the class that will help both the teacher and the student. You can have the class timed, which means certain countdown clocks, slides, or features will be displayed at a specific time. This is perfect for any classes that must stay within a tight time window. 

You can also have multiple displays where the students see the slide on the screen, the teacher has his notes in front of him, and another display shows the next slide or graphic. This feature keeps the teacher prepared and organized while allowing the students to stay engaged with the material on the screen. 

ProPresenter has many features that can best serve your church and teams. With many different features and applications, this powerful tool can help your worship experience go to the next level and help your church have the best displays. Get ProPresenter today and use it to serve the different areas of your church, and watch as your Sunday Experience continues to improve! We hope you also see how it is truly the best tool for your team.

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