Teens are NEVER without their cell phones or social media. Today they have consistent access at their fingertips. Even though social media is fun, it can expose students to a darker side of the world. Create an account and let your social media postings be a light in your students’ home feeds. Below are 4 ways you can reach out to your Youth Ministry through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat.
Facebook – Create a Facebook Group for your students and parents to follow.
On this page you can post motivational and inspirational images, quotes, verses, and songs to share with your Youth. This will keep your teens engaged in ministry outside of weekly events. You can also engage with your students’ parents through this group page. Share information discussed at weekly meetings and important details about upcoming events. This will help keep parents in the know all year round.
Instagram – Create a Group Chat for your Youth Ministry to engage.
You can create a group conversation through Instagram Direct Messaging. Direct Messaging allows you to choose who can be included in the group discussion. It also gives each person the ability to share comments and posts with one another in a group feed. This will give your Youth Ministry an outlet to stay in touch with one another throughout the week.
Twitter – Create a Youth Ministry Account for Students to Follow.
Your Twitter account can be a platform to share motivational images and scripture verses with your Youth and other church followers. This will help keep your Student Ministry encouraged through positive posts outside of weekly services.
Snapchat – Create a Youth Ministry Account to Engage with your Students.
This account is the best way to get your Youth Ministry excited about upcoming events! You can utilize this account by sending snaps to promote your upcoming youth events and weekly services. It offers a sneak peek for your students to know what to expect and spark up curiosity of what you have planned.