


Before You Use Papyrus

The next time you're tempted to use the all-so-popular Papyrus font... when your mouse just can't resist selecting it for your document... STOP. You may have seen James Cameron's Avatar, the movie with big blue aliens. You may have loved it or even hated it for a variety of reasons,…
November 10, 2014

The Ideal Length of Everything [Infographic]

Too short? Too long? How do you know if your headline, blog post, hashtag, or social update is too long... and how can you get maximum engagement? The awesome people over at Buffer have created an infographic to help you out as you create content for your church's social accounts!…
October 30, 2014

3 Ways Stock Helps & Hurts Creatives

Think of stock as a building block or raw material. It's not the thing. It's just one of the key ingredients to what you're cooking. It's like Papa John says, "Better ingredients, better pizza." The better your raw materials, the better your final product.
May 30, 2014