
In Church

Church Media

10 Encouraging Podcasts for Worship Leaders

One of the greatest things you can do as a worship leader is to encourage yourself and learn from other worship leaders. Just as the instructions for handling an emergency situation in an airplane require parents to grab the oxygen first so they’ll be able to then take care of…
March 7, 2022

5 Best Soundboards for Church Worship

Live audio production and soundboards have come a long way in the last ten years. While it may seem like it took forever for some trends in church production to change, at the same time, it seems like it was overnight. For many of us who cut our teeth on…
January 26, 2022

5 Best In-Ear Monitors for Worship Bands

In-ear monitors for worship bands quickly went from something that felt new, to very common, to prevalent in almost every church and worship team setting. In fact, houses of worship were a huge part of in-ear monitors overtaking the music scene, in sync with other timely advancements like digital soundboards…
January 18, 2022