
In Church


The Power of the Visual

They say that pictures are worth a thousand words. Imagine the power of video; its impact is substantial and much more powerful than a picture. The prophets spoke powerfully, but they often added strength to their message by performing symbolic actions. Drama is a powerful tool because you both hear the message and see…
June 5, 2015
Church Media

4 Tips for a Better Church Media Resume

Two of the fastest growing areas of ministry within the Church are media and technology. This opens the door for those of us who may not have considered full-time ministry before to see ways that we may be able to serve the Kingdom through the unique gifting God has given…
June 1, 2015
Church Media

The Playlist: 5 Must Have Songs for May

As sunshine begins to put this past cold winter behind us for good, many of us are praising the Lord! I know I am thanking God that there is no more ice on the streets or freezing cold winds; but I, admittedly, am a warm-weather person. Summertime is almost upon…
May 11, 2015
Church Media

Free ebook on WorshipHouse Media

On top of their monthly free download, our friends at WorshipHouse Media are offering a new, special freebie: an ebook! Titled “7 Things you Must do to Make Your Service Meaningful,” this quick guide gives tips on how to pack your services full of all the things that will broaden the…
April 18, 2015