
Church Media

Church media ideas from Christian leaders. Learn how to implement videos and other media formats into your church services.

Church Media

3 Tips to Bible Memorization

What is your favorite Scripture? Do you have it memorized? A few that I love are Galatians 2:20, Acts 20:24, and Matthew 28:18-20. These verses are foundational to helping me keep grounded in God’s Word and His purpose as the storms of this life and the worries of this world…
October 17, 2016
Church Media

More Than Music Mentor – Grant Norsworthy

Grant Norsworthy, of is sharing a great post with us that many of us need to be aware of when it comes to the world of worship and sound. Grant is using his teaching skills, passion, expertise, and experience to equip worship teams, creative teams, and A/V teams towards…
October 14, 2016
Church Media

Connect with Your Students through Social Media

Teens are NEVER without their cell phones or social media. Today they have consistent access at their fingertips. Even though social media is fun, it can expose students to a darker side of the world. Create an account and let your social media postings be a light in your students’…
September 30, 2016
Church Media

New Mini Movie on Brokenness and Redemption

Being a part of a church community is tremendous! Going to church and celebrating our risen Lord with others who believe the same way is powerful and life-transforming. But have you noticed whenever we go to church and ask people how they are doing, the number one response is, "Good.…
July 11, 2016