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Leading Worship Like David

Have you ever worked out with a trainer? Have you ever played sports on a team where a coach pushed you beyond what you thought was physically possible? For many of us working out in a class or with a trainer that is going to push us to excel is…
December 9, 2015
Church Media

Theming Your Worship For The Season

I LOVE this time of year! There’s so much you can do to theme out your environment with decorations, music before/after class and in the songs you sing. For November, gather up your most thank filled songs and talk to the kids about how our worship is a way we…
November 18, 2015

Engaging Kids in Worship

I love music. I truly believe music is a fantastic tool that we have in ministry to connect. Having great music kids (and their parents) enjoy, connects with them. Creating space in your services and programs to sing songs together and invite kids to participate in worshipping the Lord also…
October 26, 2015

3 Tips to Successful #KidMin Music

I know music has great power in all of our lives and helps us connect the dots to remember events, details and messages we wouldn’t remember any other way. I saw a post on Facebook earlier this year that made me laugh when I read it cause it’s so true.…
September 29, 2015