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Staff Writer


3 Tips To Increase Giving

No one likes to talk about church giving, it’s like the first rule of Fight Club—you don’t talk about it.  Even I tried to procrastinate writing this article. However, I think the reason we struggle to talk about giving is that we—if we’re being really honest—don’t frame giving appropriately.  We…
October 12, 2015

DIY Church Media, Part 2

If you’d like to add a personal touch to your church media and can’t find what you’re looking for on WorshipHouse Media or SermonSpice, maybe it’s time unleash your inner-photographer and design some promotional material for your church, DIY style. This series will help guide you through the creative, rewarding process…
October 9, 2015

4 Influencers to Know

So we thought it would be fun to highlight 4 influencers that are really making waves.   We find that leadership is essential to church culture, regardless of title, pay, and age—we all have an opportunity to lead and more importantly learn from other leaders. Jeanne Stevens Chicago, IL: Jeanne Stevens…
September 25, 2015

DIY Church Media

When looking to enhance your services with visuals, purchasing media from sites like and is almost always the best and fastest route. Occasionally though, it’s fun and/or necessary to personalize the church experience with your own homemade design. The next time you’re looking to promote an upcoming event…
August 13, 2015