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Staff Writer

Church Media

Making Media Mistakes

You train. You practice. You hone your skills. Then you train again. You practice more. You keep honing your skills. But it happens. It happened to me this weekend. I made a big, fat, glaring mistake when running the worship slides at church. The worship team was going to go…
September 25, 2012

You are Not Alone. Build Your Network.

I sat on a Tech Q&A Panel yesterday at the Unite Worship Conference in Atlanta. I was honored to share the platform with some really great folks who love the church and pour themselves into helping churches communicate with excellence. One of the guys in the room asked us: "Are…
September 21, 2012

Fostering Community :: Church Technical Leaders

In one way or another, you're probably involved in the "tech" ministry at your church. If you haven't joined the network at, you're truly missing a great opportunity to be served and to be connected to folks just like you. We absolutely LOVE the work that they're doing. The…
September 5, 2012