All Posts By

Angela Bainter


Are You Ready for Mobileggedon?

Google has been making big news recently in the web and digital marketing world due to its recent announcement about an update to its search engine set for April 21st. The search engine giant’s announcement indicates that mobile friendliness will become a new ranking signal in its search algorithm. In…
April 17, 2015

How to Prepare Your Site for the Easter Rush

Easter is around the corner, and as you know, most churches see a surge of first-time visitors for the occasion. Your church may, and should, take advantage of a number of ways to advertise your Easter services like social media, Google Adwords, direct mail, and word of mouth. But, one…
February 23, 2015

The Ideal Length of Everything [Infographic]

Too short? Too long? How do you know if your headline, blog post, hashtag, or social update is too long... and how can you get maximum engagement? The awesome people over at Buffer have created an infographic to help you out as you create content for your church's social accounts!…
October 30, 2014