3 Things Pastors Really Want for Pastor Appreciation Month

By October 17, 2023June 5th, 2024Church Media
Pastor Appreciation Month
Pastor Appreciation Month is now!

Each October, we have an excellent opportunity to honor and celebrate the pastors in our churches. One of the biggest struggles for those in ministry is the loneliness and discouragement from the role. In 2022, Barna released a study saying that 42% of pastors had seriously considered leaving the ministry. This alarming statistic grew by 13% from 2021 to 2022. The top 2 reasons for their consideration were the immense stress of the job and feeling lonely and isolated. 

While so many of us have great pastors who are strong, available to all of us in our times of need, and great spiritual leaders, we must remember they are also human. They have fears, worries, weaknesses, and emotions. While we can appreciate them throughout the year (and should), Pastor Appreciation Month is a great time to show them how much we see and appreciate them. We’d love to help you with your pastor appreciation ideas. Here are 3 Things Pastors Really Want for Pastor Appreciation Month:

1. A Vacation or Time Off

There are so many benefits to your pastor getting the opportunity to take a vacation. When taking some time off, they can spend time with the Lord getting refreshed and refilled. A spiritual time away will help them in their personal walk with the Lord. It’s a great way to encourage them to connect with God, find encouragement in Him, and grow personally in their walk with Jesus. This may not always be a decision you can make on your own, but something you may want to take to the church’s leadership to consider. Offering your pastor some time off to connect with God will always be a great way to appreciate them.

Secondly, send your pastor and their spouse (and possibly the whole family) on a trip when possible. Doing this may seem lavish and more expensive than necessary, but investing in your pastor and their family will tell them that you care about their family. A family trip has the potential to encourage them as they shepherd and lead your family each week. If you have a vacation home, offer them to stay there for free (or largely discounted). As a church, you can collect funds to help pay for them to take a trip. It doesn’t have to be expensive or crazy, but allowing them to relax and have fun together will mean a lot to your pastor. 

2. Encouragement

Pastoral leadership can be a very lonely role. Often, you hear more criticism than encouragement and more problems than celebrations. Keep this in mind this Pastor Appreciation Month. Your pastor would love encouragement from you! You can do this in many ways, but one of the best is in written form. While a spoken word of encouragement is great, it is quickly forgotten. Written encouragement is something they can revisit on hard days or days when they’re feeling extra lonely. 

A written letter, a book of positive notes from your congregation, or even a video of the stories of how they’ve impacted your life are all great ways to encourage your pastor. They will never know how much they’ve affected your life or the lives in the congregation if you never tell them. 

3. Something thoughtful

We all have those family members who buy us weird, useless gifts every year at Christmas. While we’re thankful for the thought and the gesture, we often wonder if they even really know us. The things your Pastors really want for Pastor Appreciation Month are not trinkets and more coffee mugs that say, “World’s Best Pastor.” If you take the time to consider them, their interests (or their family’s), and their needs, your gift will be more meaningful. 

For example, if your pastor doesn’t even drink coffee, a coffee mug would communicate that you didn’t really think of them when choosing the gift. If your pastor loves going to the movies with their spouse, maybe you can give a gift card to the local movie theater. So many great gift options can be truly thoughtful gestures to let your pastor know that you see them and appreciate them as a person and that you understand who they are beyond their role in your church.

As you consider how to show appreciation to your pastor, consider their family. Do they have small children but no babysitters for date night? Offer them free babysitting for a night! Do they have a particular restaurant that they really love as a family? Give a gift card! 


I grew up as a pastor’s kid, and I can tell you that the most memorable Pastor Appreciation Month was the year our church decided to collect money to send my parents on a much-needed vacation. Our church was five years old, and my Dad was bivocational that whole time. So, our church sent them on a cruise. They didn’t stop there, though. My brother and I were in our late teen years, and they gave us gift cards and other things as an appreciation for the sacrifices our family made for the church. I was deeply moved, and I’ll never forget the kindness and generosity our church showed us that day. For years, we took families on vacation with us because they couldn’t afford it. We invited others out to dinner with us because they really needed to talk with my parents about things they were going through. My Dad would miss certain school events or other things because someone was sick in the hospital and needed prayer. We sacrificed with joy because we knew God called us to it. 

So, consider what your pastor would enjoy and feel seen by. Do those things. When possible, consider the whole family. This will encourage your pastor and show them that you care for them, because you care for their family!


For Pastor Appreciation Month this year, consider giving one of these three things your pastor would want. Many other great ideas are available in this article, 17 Pastor Appreciation Gifts Your Pastor Will [Actually] Want. There were many ideas given in this article, but one final thought I’d leave for you is to pray and ask God to show you how you can bless your pastor in this season. Whatever they may need, God knows. Trust His leading, and your pastor will be encouraged!

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