The wisest man who ever lived once said that everything has a season. A time to be born, a time to die. A time to fight, a time to heal. But what about everything in between? Sometimes in our anxiety and depression, and amidst all our fears, we can feel so alone and like the pain we feel might never end.
“Seasons” was created in response to the many emotions, or seasons, experienced in a short time. The past few years have been tough on just about everyone, for various reasons. For many in your church, the past few years may have been filled with anxiety and fear. This artful and unique creative video expression will help your church understand that even when it doesn’t feel like God is close, He is. We all need the reminder that, no matter what season you’re in, God is with you and for you.
We asked Scott Trapasso, the director of this video, a few questions about the process of putting this mini movie together, the message he wanted to share, and his vision for this piece. Here is your inside look at “Seasons”:
Q: What led you to creating this video?
A: The past 2 years have been tough on just about everyone, for various reasons. I think that in order to get through the past couple of years I had to remind myself constantly that “it was just a season”. But I knew there had to be many others feeling the same way I was and that there were people that were going through even more difficult seasons than I was. I just felt this profound need to make a video that reminded myself that God is with me/you. Even when things go from bad to worse… He’s there.
For me, the past couple of years have been filled with anxiety and fear, and even when I didn’t feel like God was close, I know now that He was. I think we all need that reminder, no matter what season you’re in, that God is with you and He is for you.
Q: What went into making this video really special?
A: There was a lot of really hard work that went into making this piece come to life. Our original talent that we cast came down with Covid just a few days before the shoot, so we had to re-cast the project and that was definitely a challenge. But, we had a great team that worked incredibly hard to pull off some challenging lighting setups and battle a blizzard to make all of this happen.
I think one of the really special things that happened for me on this project was the script. I am not a script writer, but sometimes I pretend to be, and I was struggling with the script. Our Production Director, Kelly Ames, her husband, Rick, suddenly felt led to write a script for this piece and God just began downloading to him these words. When he sent it to me, it was unexpected, and awesome… and that just made me know that God was working behind the scenes on things that I had no idea about and was taking care of the details. I think that every time I do a project like this, I’m reminded that it really isn’t “my project”… it’s His. It really is a collaboration, and I feel honored to be a part of work like this that can hopefully connect people with Jesus.
Q: What is your hope for how churches will be able to use this piece?
A: I think the Bible has a lot to say about seasons. I think there are countless stories of those in the Bible that felt like God had abandoned them and they didn’t know how things could get any worse, so for me, I see “seasons” as a great topic or series for a church.
This could be used as a visual kick off to a series or in the middle of a service as an illustration. I see a lot of opportunities for Pastors to tell great stories of how God showed His faithfulness in times of great despair, and honestly, I think people need that message right now.
My prayer is that the visuals we shot would connect with those going through dark seasons, seasons of rain, but that by the end of the piece, people would be reminded that God is with you and there is light in the darkness.
This is not your typical mini movie, and we hope that you watch and feel the emotion as it brings you through several seasons in a unique, visually compelling way. Watch and download the video here.