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The Cross Of Christ
Floodgate Productions
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Reviews 18
We're using this to open our Good Friday Tenebrae service.
Mel Kincaid
Hulen Street Baptist Church
Jeremy Anderson
New Life Assembly of God
This is a very good video that we have used to enhance both a cantata for Easter and we have used it during communion. As with most of these videos it can be/should be used to enhance the message, not be the message. I think its great!
Bob Fesser
World Harvest Community Church
Very Good Video. Would have chosen music that lends itselft to the thought process. Also would have stuck to the silhouette of Jesus rather than face shots on the cross. Everyone has seen various versions of HIM and there a dime a dozen. Leaving it silhouetted would really made it a more personal experience as one images. After all, isn’t that what the gaze and thought processes is all about?
Russ Byrum
Bible Baptist Church
I love it that in the beginning of the video it addresses those that are not yet sure where they are with God. There are people in our pews every Sunday who are searching. The answer is the cross and God's amazing love.The only possible response to such amazing love is worship That's what this video says to me.
God Bless
Earl Rd. Christian Church
Valerie Pudlo
Earl Rd. Christian Church