This reflective video is a prayer to prepare our hearts in the season of Lent or on Ash Wednesday. As we approach the glory of Easter Sunday, we remember the depth of our need for him.
This powerful mini-movie describes the many reasons we pray to our Father in heaven, whether crying out in need, seeking guidance, or simply enjoying His presence.
Prepare for a time of praise and worship with this high energy worship intro. Now is the time to come together and surrender all to Him as you experience His joy in fellowship.
The Cross was designed to punish, kill, showcase earthly power, and defeat Christ, but has become the symbol of God’s love, and mark of new life and new beginnings.
Jesus isn’t written into our story, rather our story is written into His. We exalt His mighty name, for His victory has given us life and His mercies stand at the center of our faith. He died for us and He is the one true God. Share the Good News this Easter with this powerful mini movie.